Unhinged Left Can’t “Stop The Hate” At Berkeley Protest.
The left have become some of the most radical, hateful, divisive and violent group in modern day America. The direct opposite of their supposed social justice agenda. At this recent “Stop The Hate” protest at Berkeley many were threatened with violence, called Nazis, racists, as Antifa rioted and police dispersed tear gas bombs. Take note of the protest leader admitting to being paid to appear! They won’t stop hate. They are the hate. They stop at nothing.
Appearances by:
Official Black Mic @officialblackmic
Steeve Strange @thescoop_steeve
Ashton Whitty @ashtonbirdie
Jake Lloyd @jacobclloyd
Aidan James @coolaidanjames
Weekly Narrative @weeklynarrative
Event date: Sunday August 5th, 2018
© rosewood gold llc 2018
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