TRUMP STRONGLY HINTS: Hillary To Be Arrested in 2018! | McCabe Campaign Fraud = Clinton Hush $$!
Trump Told Fox & Friends that HRC Will Be Arrested in 2018! If you know how Trump communicates, and how to “READ OUR COMMS”, you too would have caught it. Trump also revealed that Dr. Jill McCabe didn’t spend the $700K she received from Clinton confidante, Terry McAuliffe. It was payoff money so that Andrew McCabe would continue looking the other way on Clinton’s crimes. James Comey knew about it but looked the other way. Kavanaugh will enforce the law and not give Hillary Clinton nor any other Deep State indicted person any special favors when the time comes. JUSTICE!
#HillaryForPrison #LockHerUp #ClintonEmails #Trump #JusticeKavanaugh #BrettKavanaugh #JamesComey #JillMcCabe #McCabe.
Original Title: TRUMP SPILLS THE BEANS: HRC Will Be Arrested in 2018! [LEARN OUR COMMS]
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Exclusive: President Trump calls in to ‘Fox & Friends’
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