Ted Cruz On Empowering Young Conservatives Through Mav PAV and MavCon
Senator Ted Cruz of Texas attended the Maverick PAC in Austin, Texas on June 1, 2018.
During a press gaggle he spoke to reporters about the importance of engaging the next generation of American leaders in business and politics.
The Senator is one of the founders of the Maverick PAC, that was established in 2004 by group of young bundlers in Texas.
conservativedonald trumpconservativesDaily CallerPardonthedcthe daily callerDCDinesh D'Souzated cruzCruzYoungMavConMaverick ConferenceSen CruzSen Ted CruzD'SouzaPreisdentialPresidential PardonDonald Trump D'SouzaMaverick PACEmpoweringTedPrevious video
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