Talk Show Host Larry Elder Gaining Traction in California
California Governor Gavin Newsom's problems in the Golden State keep mounting.
His state has massive COVID-19 issues; his state is burning from wildfires, his people want him recalled, and to add insult to injury, now Larry Elder has decided to enter the recall race. Larry Elder is not you're a typical run-of-the-mill candidate.
He has a high name ID (albeit not as much as Katlyn Jenner and the Kardashians), but his name ID is formidable. He has a nationally syndicated radio talk show, and he frequently appears on the Fox News Channel as a Contributor. With all of the above, he has a rapidly growing war chest to mount a serious challenge to Newsome for the Governor's mansion in Sacramento.
Elder has a long history of preaching smaller government, lower taxes, Second Amendment rights, strong borders, and personal liberties and freedoms.
He doesn't subscribe to "wokeism," and he doesn't make excuses. Elder is also not a fan of "Black Lives Matter," which he often criticizes on his shows.
According to an MSN article today, Elder is now leading in the polls, and he only announced his campaign a little over a week ago. Larry Elder would, by all accounts, be considered a staunch conservative by anyone's standards. His politics more closely resembles that of the late Rush Limbaugh than of California's last Republican Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The special recall election is slated for September the 14th, with mail-in ballots going out in a little over two weeks on August the 16th.
The question now becomes, is California tired enough of unbridled liberalism destroying their state? Is California ready for a true conservative political outsider? We should know the morning of September the 15th unless, of course, we have ballot-counting issues, which we hope do not happen this time.
By Ken Crow, RAV Contributor