01:36VideosMAHA: PROPAGANDA MACHINE TO BRAINWASH AMERICANSJanuary 30, 2025, 8:08 PMChef Gruel speaks with Natalie Winters about how the restaurant industry if forced to comply with unhealthy standards and why...
00:38VideosRFK JR ON HERD IMMUNITY: PEOPLE DON'T TRUST VACCINESJanuary 30, 2025, 5:45 PM"All vaccines are dropping because people don't believe the government anymore, I am going to RESTORE TRUST"
00:46VideosCommentaryOpinionREGAINING THE TRUST IN PUBLIC HEALTHJanuary 29, 2025, 7:06 PM"The reason they don't trust these agencies is because they are NOT trustworthy." -RFK Jr.
00:37VideosKEY DETAIL LEFT OUT FROM DEM SENATOR ON MEDICAIDJanuary 29, 2025, 7:05 PM"It is not up to me to cut Medicaid, it is up to CONGRESS." Senator Lujan had no retort.
02:22VideosSAME PRODUCT, DIFFERENT INGREDIENTS IN THE US: "IT IS DELIBERATE"January 29, 2025, 7:04 PMRobert Kennedy Jr. on why we "need to get a handle" on making America healthy again. "WE NEED TO FIX OUR FOOD SUPPLY."
01:19Videos"YOU'RE MAKING ME SOUND LIKE A SHILL"January 29, 2025, 5:08 PMRobert Kennedy Jr. taking down Senator Warren's questions with ease, "I am not going to agree to not sue drug companies!"
02:01VideosCommentaryOpinionRFK JR. ON MEDICAL ADVANCES IN AI AND TELEMEDICINEJanuary 29, 2025, 5:07 PM"I've seen the priority by both Democrats and Republicans on this committee. I plan to make it a priority."
01:14VideosRFK JR. ON ABORTIONS AND TITLE XJanuary 29, 2025, 4:54 PM"I SERVE AT THE PLEASURE OF THE PRESIDENT. I'M GOING TO IMPLEMENT HIS POLICIES." Senator Lankford asking Robert Kennedy Jr on...
01:00VideosTHE HYPOCRISY FROM THE DEMOCRATS, CROWD CLAPS FOR RFK JRJanuary 29, 2025, 4:40 PMRobert Kennedy Jr. responds back that he "will commit to firing anyone who is not doing their job."
04:03VideosDEMS CHUCKLE AS RFK EXPLAINS HOW TO SOLVE MEDICARE AND MEDICAIDJanuary 29, 2025, 4:39 PM"I ask any of the Democrats who are chuckling right now, do you think all that $900B we are sending to medicaid has made...
00:31VideosCROWD IS SHUSHEDJanuary 29, 2025, 4:14 PMThey repeatedly shut down the crowd and finally threatened to have them all removed if they didn't.
02:46VideosCONFLICTING STATEMENTS ABOUT VACCINESJanuary 29, 2025, 4:13 PM"All of these things cannot be true. Are you lying today, or did you lie on the podcasts?" - Sen. Wyden