Steel Dossier Could Be Russian Disinfo, Experts Say
Steel Dossier Could Be Russian Disinfo, Experts Say In a deposition last June for a lawsuit related to the dossier, former British spy Christopher Steele acknowledged that his infamous report could be the product of Russian disinformation. But Steele, a former MI6 officer who worked in Moscow, dismissed the possibility that he was hoodwinked by Russian operatives who planted anti-Trump dirt. Steele believed that he had enough experience dealing with Russian sources that he could spot Kremlin attempts to provide him disinformation. One possibility floated by Trump supporters, but that has no evidence, is that Steele or his paymaster, Fusion GPS, fabricated information in the dossier. A more charitable theory is that the dossier is based on half-baked rumor and innuendo provided to Steele through his network of sources within the Russian government. David B. Rivkin, Jr., a constitutional attorney and intelligence expert Steele recently had an opportunity to discuss his work. He was scheduled to appear at a conference in Baltimore on March 11. Anne Applebaum, a Washington Post columnist and moderator of the event, said that Steele got “cold feet” and decided not to show.
NewsRussiachristopher steelesteele dossierwashington postKremlinwesternjournalRussian DisinformationDavid B RivkinAnne ApplebaumMI6