SPLC Forced To Eat Crow After Story They Used To Trash Trump Winds Up Being Fake
SPLC Forced To Eat Crow After Story They Used To Trash Trump Winds Up Being Fake On March 14, 82-year-old SPLC founder Morris Dees was fired amid vague hints regarding allegations of sexual harassment and gender and race discrimination. Bob Moser, a former employee of the SPLC, for The New Yorker — noted that the Center’s finances suggested a “cash cow” at best and a hate-baiting scam at worst. Fire fighters arrived to find Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church ‘heavily engulfed in flames’ with the words “Vote Trump’ spray-painted on the side of the building Nobody thought that such a blatant act might not be the work of a white-robed hate criminal but that of a provocateur who wanted it to seem like it was. McClinton, a 47-year-old habitual offender who was a member of the Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church, was apparently just such a man. The SPLC reported this after McClinton’s arrest in December 2016, correcting the Hatewatch article by putting a note at the top saying that “a suspect, a member of the church, was arrested in connection with the crime, and authorities now believe the attack was not politically motivated.”
NewstrumpwesternSPLCjournalMcClintonHopewell Missionary Baptsit Churchhate-baitingFire Fightersarson