Rosentein To Be Investigated by IG Horowitz For Threatening Congressional Staff and Their Families!
YT has frozen the viewcount on this video for the last 3 hours and demonetized it from the getgo. BCP OVER THE TARGET YWT AGAIN!!
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This is a new segment I am trying out called, THE BCP PERSPECTIVE.
The Deep State is real folks! Let’s take a look at how Rod Rosenstein has threatened congressional staffers for issuing subpoenas, in other words for doing their job to serve the American people and expose the corruption at the DOJ and FBI. The Result? Congressmen Jordan and Meadows have sent a letter to IG Horowitz to investigate these threats and make the results public!
Plus, Sacha Baron Cohen’s show is officially a FLOP!
Breitbart News, Ratings Catastrophe: Sacha Baron Cohen’s ‘Who Is America’ Attracts 327K Viewers:
Townhall, Former FBI Lawyer Lisa Page Said Anti-Trump Texts With Peter Strzok ‘Mean Exactly What They Say’:
The Gateway Pundit, Reps. Meadows, Jordan Ask IG Horowitz to Investigate if Rosenstein Threatened House Intel Members:
Copy of Letter from Meadows and Jordan to Horowitz:
CBS NEWS, Special Report: Rosenstein announces 12 Russian hacking indictments
LInk to my last appearance on the Quite Frankly Podcast (7.17.18): Here is the playback link. My segment starts at about 40:00
deep statepeter strzoklisa pageJim Jordancbs newssacha baron cohenFLOPblack conservative patriotrod rosentsteinig horowitzrussian indictmentscribdthe gateway pundittownhallmeadowsthis is americashowtime