Our Government Has Failed Us
Reports Show our Food and Water Supply is Toxic
If you take a look at the Federal Register sometime, you will see more than 936,000 documents that have been uploaded. And counting. And counting. And counting.
The Federal Register is the official journal of the federal government of the United States. According to Wikipedia, it contains government agency, rules, proposed rules and public notices. And each of those 936,000 documents has pages and pages of rules and mandates. Sometimes hundreds.
Over the years, the federal government has regulated our freedoms out of existence – and the freedoms of businesses and industries.
Look around you in the room that you are sitting in. EVERYTHING is regulated – printers, computers, picture frames, picture frame makers, calendars, books, book publishers, paper, spoons, and light bulbs (thanks, Obama!)
But even though the government lives (and loves) to make rules and regulate everything, when it comes the important stuff, the life and death stuff, they have totally missed the mark.
It only takes a few minutes of Googling to see how disastrous the government’s oversight on our food and water supply is. While they pretend to care, they don’t really know what they are doing.
They don’t really know how to regulate and oversee the safety of products, foods or water that are being sold to the public. That’s because they aren’t experts in what they are regulating. They are bureaucrats.
99% of Food Sold in American Stores May Raise the Risk of Cancer, Autism or Infertility:
From the Daily Mail, is a report about the fact that “forever chemicals” (PFAS) are found in virtually every food product that is sold in our country.
Consumers Reports tested 85 everyday items for the presence of two different PFAS chemicals (phthalates and bisphenols) that are used to make plastics.
They tested many different kinds of things – soda, cereal, bread, fish, meat, water, condiments, baby food, desserts…And all but one product tested positive for PFAS.
That’s not good because these chemicals don’t break down in our bodies and they create health problems.
But what if you want to wash down those toxic Cheerios, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream or Jell-O with some bottled water? That’s not much safer…
Researchers at Columbia University Found the Average Liter Bottle of Store-Bought Water contains over 240,000 Nanoplastics:
Also from the Daily Mail is a report from researchers that finds our bottles of plastic water contain hundreds of thousands of toxic microscopic plastic particles.
Scientists fear (obviously) that those particles can accumulate in our vital organs and create unknown health implications. Nanoplastics aren’t a good thing as they have been linked to birth defects, fertility problems and cancer.
So maybe it’s better to drink your tap water? Not so fast…
NRDC Reports on the Danger of Drinking from Lead Pipes:
There’s another study from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) about lead contamination in the country’s water supply.
With more than nine million homes across the country getting their water from lead pipes (according to the EPA), the NRDC did a study on which areas of the country have the highest amounts of lead contamination.
The U.S. Sun shows a map of the contamination and reports that there are up to 12 million lead pipes bringing polluted drinking water to the homes of about 22 million people.
They add, “The toxic metal can have a huge impact on health as it gradually builds up in the body and can cause huge issues for babies and children.”
The midwest is a top area for the number of lead service lines with Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois and Ohio having between 329,867 to 679,292 lines.
So what’s the bottom line?
I guess it’s that eating and drinking in the United States is a crap shoot. Perhaps it’s safer for you to eat and drink if you have a farm and are making your own food – and you have a well and are providing your own water.
But then you have to worry about your soil and what kind of contamination has gotten into that.
Technology, I suppose, doesn’t necessarily bring the best circumstances to certain situations. It was probably safer to eat and drink back in the 1800’s than it is today.
There is a saying that I have heard over the years: “You can’t control everything in your life but, you can control what you put in your body.”
That is true. But doing it safely is getting more and more difficult.

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