Obama, Biden, Deep State plotted “coup” against Trump’s presidency
According to declassified documents, including an FD-302 FBI witness report, during a January 5, 2017 meeting, two weeks before President Trump’s inauguration, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and their corrupt FBI and CIA brass, conspired to plot against Trump through surveillance of him and his staff in a coordinated effort to take down his presidency in the script of so-called “Trump-Russian collusion”. The meeting was also detailed in an email National Security Advisor Susan Rice sent to herself.
The coordinated plot begin in 2016 with an effort to derail the Trump candidacy through false information leaked by the Obama Justice Department to the media to set the narrative to the American people that Trump had colluded with the Russians to interfere in the election as Hillary Clinton and the Democrat National Committee paid a British spy, Christopher Steele, thorough a company called Fusion GPS.
To set the wheel in motion, Nellie Orr, who worked for Fusion GPS, was feeding disinformation to her husband, Bruce Orr, a senior official with the FBI. With the back channel, they were able to work with each other and other corrupt officials to bring the investigation known as Crossfire Hurricane. FBI brass, James Comey and Andrew McCabe, authorized approval of a FISA warrant to the court, using the media reports they leaked as further proof. The FISA court, believing the information was correct, authorized surveillance of the Trump campaign.
During the presidential campaign, President Trump was laughed at when he stated his presidential team at Trump Tower had been “bugged”.
The media called it a conspiracy theory; but he was correct. Not only was the Trump Tower under surveillance, but also his campaign staff. The FBI attempted to set up Trump aides’ George Papadopoulos and Carter Page; but failed. General Michael Flynn, whom Obama fired in 2014 was also under surveillance in 2016.
When Trump won the presidency, Obama, Biden, and the FBI and CIA brass got desperate.
They received information Flynn’s call to then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December 2016 was intercepted. What a perfect opportunity to paint the “Trump-Russian collusion” with Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador. Comey set Flynn up with a “perjury trap” with Obama and Biden well aware. The plan was to charge him with violating the “Logan Act”, an obscure statute from 1799, intended to prevent individuals from falsely claiming to represent the United States government, which no one has ever been prosecuted.
According to a June 23, 2017 Washington Post article, Biden was involved in the early stages of the “Trump-Russian collusion” probe.
At the January 5, 2017 meeting, which included Biden, Obama asked the FBI brass, James Comey and Sally Yates to stay behind. Later the stage was set as Comey admittedly sent agents into the White House to question Flynn on January 24, 2017. Documents revealed agents questioned the “goal” to “get him to lie” so they could “prosecute him or get him fired”
Flynn’s constitutional rights were violated as a dozen Obama brass made requests to “unmask” his name as associated with the Russian ambassador and then the unmasking was leaked to David Ignatius of the Washington Post, a felony, on January 12, 2017, the same day Joe Biden also requested unmasking of Flynn, which was revealed on May 13, 2020, one day after Biden stated in an interview with ABC he had nothing to do with the Flynn investigation.
When questioning Flynn about Russian contacts, agents found no wrong done in their 302 report, which happens to be missing; but FBI Agent Peter Strzok and FBI Attorney Lisa Page kept the case open with texts showing their political motivation, which ultimately led to charges against Flynn for “lying to the FBI”.
Strzok and Page’s texts also revealed an “insurance policy” policy against Trump, which was set up through Obama’s FBI brass leaking false “Trump-Russian collusion” to undermined the election results, setting up a “Special Counsel” of Robert Mueller, who attorney staff was loaded with Democrat lawyers, including Andrew Weissmann, who donated thousands to both Obama and Clinton, and was a special guest for Hillary Clinton’s election-night party. That Special Counsel was to lay the ground work of the “insurance policy” to have President Trump impeached for “Trump-Russian” collusion, which the Democrat controlled media had been placing in the mind of voters for years.
Most Americans will never know that Flynn was set up with the media parroting a false narrative and that same media never revealed the Steele dossier to make up the “Trump-Russian collusion” was paid for by Clinton and the DNC.
More information has recently unraveled, like 57 interview transcripts by the House Intelligence Committee, which was run by Congressman Adam Schiff, who kept the information away from the public’s eyes. The transcripts revealed the same FBI and CIA players, who pushed the Russian collusion narrative in 2017, admitted there was no direct evidence to support this claim in direct contrast to what Schiff was feeding to the American people.
U. S. Attorney John Durham has already turned his investigation of the “silent coup” against President Trump into a criminal investigation, which means there will be players arrested who put this “silent coup” attempt against President Trump into action.
Yet, the Democrats are running Biden as their nominee for president who used the tools of the government to spy on a political opponent’s campaign, which was really the plot to provide a “silent coup” to take down the Trump presidency.
By Frank Aquila
Frank Aquila is president of San Joaquin Conservative Patriots and author of the book, “Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere”. He can be emailed at mantecarepublicans@yahoo.com
obamagate 5-20-20trump russian collusion hoaxdemocrat lawyer andrew weissmanndemocrats undermined 2016 election resultsfbi trump insurance policyU. S. Attorney John DurhamGen Michael Flynn was set upPeter Strzok text message on trumpFBI Attorney Lisa Page text messages on trumpthe fake Steele dossierFlynn’s constitutional rights violatedNational Security Advisor Susan Rice