Mike Bloomberg’s Super Bowl commercial pushing gun control is fake news
When millions of viewers tune in to the Super Bowl on Sunday, they’ll be hoping for a unifying, authentic American football experience, hopefully with some hilarious advertisements thrown in for good measure, as has become the norm in recent years. But they’ll also be forced to sit through a highly-misleading gun control advertisement from anti-gun activist and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg, who is throwing millions of dollars into advertising in a desperate bid to buy the Democratic nomination.
Of course, Bloomberg has every right to spend his money to spread his views and advocate his anti-gun message. But in this case, the advertisement is extremely misleading overall and downright false in parts.
The Bloomberg commercial uses the sad story of an African American mother who lost her son, a star football player, to a shooting. It then claims that “2,900 children die from gun violence every year,” and that “Mike’s fighting for every child because you have a right to live.”
Where does he get this number of 2,900 children killed every year from gun violence? From an anti-gun group’s misleading study that counted 18- and 19-year-olds as “children.” Gun expert and Washington Free Beacon journalist Stephen Gutowski calculated that when you remove these adults, the true number falls by 50%.
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This Bloomberg gun control Super Bowl ad is heart-wrenching.
Too bad it's factually inaccurate.
ME @dcexaminer: https://t.co/XSyJ50nsow
— Brad Polumbo (@brad_polumbo) February 3, 2020
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