MIDGE MINUTES: The Caravan At The US Mexico Border
The left tried to say it wasn’t real. They said it wasn’t a threat, but thousands are rushing the border. What is real is that there is a suspicious crisis at the border. Many are violent and not requesting asylum. This is an invasion.
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MIDGE MINUTES: The Caravan At The US Mexico Border
#caravan #borderwall #mexicoborder
Immigrationpoliticstrumpfox newsdonald trumprepublicanmediaMAGAbuild the walltrump 2020caravanpresident trumpillegal immigrationSean HannityPOTUSBorder Wallillegal aliensIllegal immigrantstrump wallBorder Patrolsocial justiceJorge RamosFLOTUSann coulterfog city midgefleccaseconomic migrantsPrevious video
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