Leader of US embassy attack welcomed to the White House by Barack Obama
Barack Obama welcomed leader of US embassy attack to the White House: Iran’s ‘point man’ in Baghdad Hadi al-Amiri was hosted in the Oval Office in 2011 – eight years before he orchestrated siege in Iraq.
The leader of an Iran-backed US embassy siege in Baghdad was welcomed to the White House by Barack Obama eight years ago before becoming Tehran’s ‘point man’ in Iraq.
Hadi al-Amiri was Iraq’s minister of transport under then-Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and stood in the Oval Office as part of Maliki’s delegation on a visit to the White House in December 2011.
On Tuesday, al-Amiri was among those leading the charge against the US embassy in Baghdad when it was stormed and set alight by pro-Iran militants. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo shared a photograph of Amiri amid the rioters, condemning him as an ‘Iranian proxy,’ and calling those shoulder-to-shoulder with him ‘terrorists.’