LA Liberal Meltdown After Kavanaugh Confirmation
I hit the streets of Beverly Hills just as Judge Kavanaugh was confirmed as Supreme Court Justice to get immediate reactions and try to find out why Kavanaugh is driving them so insane. Is this Trump Derangement Syndrome on full display?
conservativetrumpdonald trumppresidentLiberalsMAGAprogressiverepublicanssenatedemocratsCNNvotemidtermsmaxine watersSupreme CourtFAKE NEWScampaignElectionLos AngelesImpeachfeministright wingrapeLiberal Biasrapistbrett kavanaughkavanaughleftistJeff Flakela45SJWconfirmationKAG2020tdsreal newstrump derangementliberal meltdownmidgepink hairpink hair liberalbeverly hillsPrevious video
BOMBSHELL: FBI Uncovers Plot To Frame Kavanaugh! | Republican Women “Man up”!Next videoThe Swearing-In Ceremony of the Honorable Brett M. Kavanaugh