KWIK UPDATE: Flake & Collins Onboard! We Don’t Need Murkowski! Congrats to JUSTICE BRETT KAVANAUGH!
Kavanaugh Update: Looks like Jeff Flake and Susan Collins are satisfied with the detailed FBI Report and will be voting in favor of Kavanaugh confirmation after reviewing the report into the allegations made by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez. The house is split, 51-49 with a slight Republican advantage. Even if all the Democrats vote against Kavanaugh and Lisa Murkowski sides with the Democrats, making it a 50-50 vote, Mike Pence will cast the deciding vote in Brett Kavanaugh’s favor. The voting on cloture on Friday and his confirmation vote over the weekend. By Monday, we should be celebrating our new Supreme Court Justice, JUSTICE BRETT KAVANAUGH.
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