How a Trump Policy Motivated Ghazala Hashmi’s Historic Run for Office | NowThis
‘I realized that I had an obligation to speak out.’ — Trump’s Muslim ban inspired Ghazala Hashmi to run for office and she could become the first Muslim woman in the Virginia Senate.
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In US news and current events today, Virginia state senate candidate Ghazala Hashmi sat down with NowThis News to talk about why she chose to run for office. After President Trump, who is under an impeachment inquiry, tried to ‘make American great again’ by instituting the Muslim travel ban, Hashmi knew she had to do something. Now Hashmi is hoping to join the Virginia legislature and turn it blue.
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politicsNewspresident trumpMake America Great Againus newsvirginiacurrent eventsMuslimVirginia senateMuslim BanNowThistrump policyNowThisNewsNow This NewsNowThis NewsNow This MediaNowThis MediaOriginalsGhazala Hashmirun for officeTrump's Muslim banfirst Muslim womanMuslim womanthe first Muslim woman in the Virginia Senatecurrent events todayimpeachment inquiryMuslim travel banVirginia legislatureState Senate