History of the War on Christmas
Less than 20 years ago, there were Christmas vacations, Christmas parties, Christmas sales, and everyone said, Merry Christmas” as they put up their Christmas tree.
However, in 2005 there began a movement to remove Christ from Christmas by replacing “Merry Christmas” with “Happy Holidays” and Holiday sales, Holiday parties, and Winter recess in school. Democrat Patti Murray of Washington was the first to call a Christmas tree a Holiday tree.
Subtly, Liberals began removing Christ from Christmas around the country. Nativity scenes were illegally forbidden, Christmas songs removed, and even candy canes banned because the candy cane resembled a “J” for Jesus. A Charlie Brown Christmas was prohibited in some schools since it referenced the birth of Jesus from a verse in the Book of Luke.
The new “canceled culture” movement by Democrats is to call Christmas “racist” in an attempt to cancel Christmas. In one town in Minnesota, those who hate Christmas claimed the Christmas lights were “harmful” and “a reminder of division” and bias against those who don’t celebrate Christmas or who cannot afford their own Christmas lights.
The War on Christmas has continued in the name of inclusion, a way of removing Christmas by saying non-Christians don’t want to see or hear anything about Christmas.
However, what about the constitutional right of millions of Americans who are insulted by the removal of Christ from Christmas and forcing Christmas to be held in private? Democrats commonly use the phrase, “Separation of Church and State”, which is nowhere in the Constitution. The courts have ruled against the War on Christmas as Christians’ free speech and freedom to express one’s religion as in the case when school children were disciplined for giving pencils to classmates that said, “Jesus is the Reason for the Season”. The courts ruled the students’ constitutional rights were violated.
The War on Christmas began over 2,000 years ago when King Herod heard of the birth of Jesus. He unleashed an unholy slaughter to kill the infant Jesus, killing all the young male children in an event known as the Massacre of the Innocents.
There were several periods in history, of various nations forbidding Christmas or any celebration relating to the remembrance of the birth of Christ. On each occasion, it was the godless and anti-Christian leaders of communism who forced the removal of Christmas.
Christmas was celebrated in Russia through 1917 until the Bolsheviks of the Marxist Russian Social Democrat Labor Party, through Vladimir Lenin came into power banning Christmas nationwide. The Cathedrals of Christ were burned down with all Christmas symbols and Bibles banned, including religious gatherings.
In 1949, the Communist Party led by Mao took over China and banned Christmas with the government destroying Bibles, churches while arresting, persecuting, torturing, and executing Christians for their faith through 1993.
The communists in America began their moment in the 1920s adopting the Soviet slogan, “Let’s drive out the capitalist from Earth and God from Heaven.” Roger Baldwin, an admitted communist, started the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in 1920 to “suppress” Christianity through a godless revolution outlined in his book, “Liberty Under the Soviets.”
By the 1960s the communist began to infiltrate into the Democrat party leadership to elevate judges like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, General Counsel for the ACLU to make judicial rulings against Christianity to lay the path for a godless society.
For these Democrats, Christianity and Christmas are obstacles that must be stifled in order to win the War on Christmas, which would give Herod, Lenin, Mao, and others who also hated Christians and Christmas a “Happy Holiday”.
Merry Christmas to all!
Frank Aquila is president of the San Joaquin Stanislaus Conservative Patriots and author of the book, “Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere. He can be emailed at mantecarepublicans@yahoo.com