FOG CITY MIDGE: My Favourite Video Moments 2018
Thank you so much to all my Midgets for all your support in 2018. I’ve been making videos for some time and I’m so pumped to be doing what I’m passionate about and to have you guys supporting me along the way. I appreciate each and every one of you! I’ve put together a few of my fav clips! Thank you everyone! Check it out!
Please subscribe, share and check out the full videos featured as they are awesome!
TRUMP HOLLYWOOD STAR: Making Trump’s Star Great Again!
GAY PRIDE SAN FRANCISCO: Tolerance Challenged
BLACK LIVES MATTER: Activist Gets Destroyed By Facts
DONALD TRUMP: What does the UK Think of President Trump?
AMBER ROSE SLUTWALK LA: Sluts Walk & Talk Trump
KAVANAUGH CONFIRMED: LA Liberal Meltdown After Kavanaugh Confirmation
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FOG CITY MIDGE: My Favourite Video Moments 2018
#trump #maga #youtube
trumpfox newsdonald trumprepublicandonaldpresidentMAGAbuild the walltrump 2020Sean HannityPOTUSprotestsProtestBlack Lives Matterdrain the swampFLOTUSblmslut walkfog city midgefleccasfogcitymidgedrumpfpotus45Amber roseslutwalkSlut shamingFat shamingSlutty