Fact Check: Senate Democrats Received Funding From Planned Parenthood
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Former member of the Pussycat Dolls, Kaya Jones claimed in a tweet that “every single democrat that voted against the born alive bill received money from Planned Parenthood.”
The bill put forward by Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska was voted down by senate democrats.
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democratsDaily Callerkaya jonespussycat dollsPlanned Parenthoodfact checksenate democratsborn alive billben sasseben sasse born alivepussycat dolls kaya jonesplanned parenthood senateplanned parenthood senate hearingsenator ben sassesenator ben sasse nebraskaplanned parenthood senatorsdemocrats born alivedemocrats born alive billdemocrats block born alive billcheck your factfact check democratssenate democrats vote for infanticidePrevious video
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