Eric Swalwell Tries Spreading Fake News on Gun-Crime Stats, Immediately Shut Down on Nat’l TV
Eric Swalwell Tries Spreading Fake News on Gun-Crime Stats, Immediately Shut Down on Nat’l TV Swalwell’s primary issue upon which he is running is gun control, and he has openly talked about imposing strict anti-gun regulations that would violate the Second Amendment and would include confiscation of already possessed weapons of that nature and prison for those who refuse to relinquish them. To say Swalwell’s position on gun control is extreme would be an understatement. He once joked about using nuclear weapons against gun owners who resisted confiscation efforts To his partial credit — Tapper does have his rare moments of actual journalistic integrity — the host noted that the specific weapons Swalwell targeted had accounted for a small minority of shooting deaths. Tapper also noted that Swalwell’s admitted gun-grabbing scheme — which most Democrats falsely deny is the ultimate goal — played right into the hands of Republicans who assert that the left wants to disarm Americans and take guns away. Congressman Swalwell is an anti-gun extremist who, thankfully, has virtually no chance of being the Democratic Party’s nominee. That should be obvious when even CNN, which typically supports almost all proposed anti-gun measures, is calling him out for being wrong on his facts when it comes to gun violence and gun-related deaths.
Newsgun controlCongressmanCNNFAKE NEWSSecond Amendment2020 electionwesternjournalGun Lawsanti-gunpro-gunSwalwellEric Swalwell2020 candidatesTapper