Ep 203- Pandemic: Descent into Hell 7, The Crisis in Hong Kong Pt.1 (w/ Jack Leung)
Steve Bannon, Jack Maxey, and Greg Manz come together for another special episode of War Room: Pandemic in its “Descent into Hell” series to discuss the quickly escalating crisis in Hong Kong as the Chinese Communist Party starts cracking down on protests over a the passage of a controversial national security law that will effectively end Hong Kong’s famous “One Country, Two Systems” governance. Calling in is Jack Leung who is a pro-democracy frontline protestor from Hong Kong.
America's Voice NewsSteve Bannonsteve bannon war room pandemicsteve bannon war room pandemic 2020steve bannon war room pandemic 5-31-20decent into hellPrevious video
President Trump Delivers Remarks at Kennedy Space CenterNext videoEp 204- Pandemic: Descent into Hell 7, The Crisis in Hong Kong Pt.2 (w/ Wong, Jacob, and Dixon Ho)