DC in PANIC! NO Blue Wave! 25K Subs! [Schiff, Kavanaugh Letter, Ocasio-Cortez]
Wow! Demonetized right away! What was my crime? Not liking Schiff or not liking Ocasio-Cortez? Or perhaps it was my fair use of a clip from one of AJ’s affiliates?
Even the mainstream media is now calling the former “Russian Investigation” the “Russian PROBE” now. Adam Schiff, like the rest of the Deep State Swamp is in Panic and doesn’t want Rod Rosenstein to resigned nor Trump to Fire him. Brett Kavanaugh is not taking the character assassination lightly and has drafted a letter to Charles Grassley and Way-Past-Her-Prime Diane Feinstein. And there is no BLUE WAVE coming! Ocasio-Cortez is proof that the Socialist Democrat revolution is a dud. Even Bernie had more momentum.
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Kavanaugh’s Letter to Grassley and Feinstein: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4936569/2018-09-24-Kavanaugh-Letter-to-Chairman-Grassley.pdf
Sarah Sanders Tweet regarding DAG Rod Rosenstein: https://twitter.com/PressSec/status/1044267286322970625
Hillary Clinton’s Pathetic crowd Sizes:
No Blue Wave!
15 MINUTES UP? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez plays to small audience
#Trump #Rosenstein #AdamSchiff #RussianProbe #RussianCollusion #RussianInvestigation #MuellerInvestigation #RosensteinFIred #RosensteinResign #OcasioCortez #berniesanders #HRC #redwave #nobluewave #bluewave
trumpocasio cortezMAGAmsnbcbernie sandersAdam SchiffHRCblack conservative patriotrod rosenstien firingrod rosenstein resignsrosenstein resignationbrett kavanaugh letter grassley feinsteintrump rally sizebernie sanders rally sizehillary clinton rally sizeschiff on rosenstein
![[VIDEO] Ted & Heidi Cruz Chased Out of DC Restaurant By Soros Sponsored Stooges.](https://cdn.americasvoice.news/images/7ed86a11271972e11a9e1a90723b338d.jpg@160x90)