CLIPS: White House Meeting w/ President Trump and Congressional Leaders (C-SPAN)
Prior to a meeting at the White House, House Speaker Paul Ryan says on putting the debt ceiling and Harvey relief funding together: “I think that’s ridiculous and disgraceful.”
Following the meeting in the Oval Office (, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says, “As I think you now know, in a meeting down and the White House, the president and the Senate and House democratic leadership agreed to a 3-month Continuing Resolution and a debt ceiling into December. I will be adding that as am to flood relief bill…on the floor and I will be supporting it.”
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer says, “Today was a good day in a generally very partisan town. And let’s hope we can continue to work together for the good of Americans…”
And in North Dakota, President Trump says, “President Trump: “We had a great meeting with Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and the whole Republican leadership group.”
donald trumpChuck SchumerPaul Ryannancy pelosimitch mcconnellC-SPANCSPANPresident of the United StatesU.S. SenateSpeaker of the HouseVice President PenceKevin McCarthySecretary MnuchinHarvey