The position of President of the United States is the most important and stressful job in the world.
The person occupying this position serves as Commander-in-Chief of our military forces and can lead the country into war. The President also has access to the codes to launch nuclear weapons and end civilization on earth.
The President is extremely powerful and can issue executive orders that impact the economic and psychological well-being of our 330 million citizens, as well as people around the world.
In the last year, our country has been plunged into the depths of an economic crisis, as inflation is rising, and energy prices are skyrocketing. We are once again dependent on foreign countries for our energy needs.
There has been a crime explosion, an invasion of illegal immigrants at our southern border, a disastrous set of COVID-19 policies, and an embarrassing withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan that led to the death of thirteen military service members.
The person responsible for this unnecessary carnage is a 79-year man with significant physical frailties and undeniable mental incompetence that renders him incapable and unfit for the demanding position of President of the United States. As noted by an Australian journalist Rita Panahi of Sky News, Joe Biden should not be in the White House, but “needs a retirement home and a bowl of soup.”
Unfortunately, Biden was foisted on the American people in 2020 as the savior of the “mean and nasty” President Donald Trump. Biden was the favored Democratic Party candidate after he was left in a one-on-one match with socialist U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT).
Leading Democrats believed Sanders was too left-wing, so they boosted Biden into the Democratic Party nomination. After a very disputed election, in which Biden made continual gaffes and limited campaign appearances, he was elected President in November 2020.
Since that time, it has become apparent to even the most partisan Democrats that Biden is not equipped to be President. His performance has been so pathetic that a new CNN poll shows only 45% of Democrats want Biden to be the party’s nominee in 2024. In a poll we are conducting among our viewers and listeners, an amazing 96% of respondents give Biden an “F” in his first year in office.
One of the major reasons for this horrific performance is that Biden is not mentally competent, and the American people know it.
He has continual lapses into forgetfulness. For example, he often does not remember the name of members of his cabinet such as his Defense Secretary. Biden has called his newly appointed “Infrastructure Czar,” former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, both the “Mayor of Louisiana” and Mitch McConnell, the U.S. Senate Majority Leader.
Biden has also mixed up his wife and sister and regularly forgets the wording of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. In speeches, he often verbally stumbles and fumbles his words and makes incoherent statements.
There is no confidence that Biden has the mental ability to solve critical problems in our country or deal with brewing conflicts internationally. In his first year in office, there are no Biden successes, only failures. It will only get worse until he leaves the presidency.
Henceforth, every nominee of the two major political parties must submit to an independent mental competency test. This must happen before the election and a winning candidate assumes the presidency.
Of course, Joe Biden has refused to take a mental competency test for good reason. He knows he would undoubtedly fail it. When asked about it during the campaign, he lashed out at the questioner, and wondered if the person was a “junkie.” As President, he has ignored any questions about his mental competency.
At this critical point, our country can no longer afford to ignore the issue. Thankfully, 38 Republicans in Congress are finally raising the issue in a letter sent to Biden. Spearheading the effort is former White House Physician and U.S. Congressman Ronny Jackson (R-TX).
Jackson noted that Biden’s “mental decline and forgetfulness have become more apparent over the past two years.” Jackson and his colleagues urged the President to undergo a “cognitive test as soon as possible” and release the results “immediately” to the “American people.”
Every Republican should join this effort and demand that Biden take this test and publish the results. A legitimate test will show Biden’s mental inadequacies, which will hopefully lead to pressure on him to resign. If not, Biden must be removed via the 25th Amendment or impeachment and conviction.
Unfortunately, the left-wing media and the Democrats will continue to ignore these dangers. Yet, the American people realize the truth and notice it every time Biden appears at a news conference, gives a speech, or conducts an interview.
His mental state is no laughing matter as the lives of millions of people are at risk. In addition, the radical nature of Vice President Kamala Harris is no excuse to ignore Biden’s mental incompetence.
Harris is a terrible Vice President and would be a dreadful President.
She does not have adequate experience, lacks judgment, and conforms to an extremely progressive ideology. She may be impeached and removed or easily defeated at the next election. However, Harris is not suffering from dementia, while the same statement cannot be made about Joe Biden.
America can no longer afford the tremendous risks of a mentally incompetent President. With the potential of war, the worsening problems on our southern border, surging inflation and crime and idiotic pandemic policies, a mentally incapacitated Biden can only make these difficulties worse.
Since Biden does not have the mental capacity to solve any problems or lead the nation, he is obviously being controlled by others in his White House, the federal government, or the Democratic Party.
The American people deserve to know who is leading our nation because it is not Joe Biden. We deserve to have a functioning President; we do not have one now.
By Jeff Crouere
Jeff Crouere is a native New Orleanian and his award winning program, “Ringside Politics,” airs nationally on Real America's Voice Network, AmericasVoice.News weekdays at 7 a.m. CT and from 7-11 a.m. weekdays on WGSO 990-AM & Wgso.com. He is a political columnist, the author of America's Last Chance and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on Crouere.net. For more information, email him at jeff@ringsidepolitics.com