Justifiably, former President Donald Trump is likely nervous about the potential of more indictments. Not because he is necessarily "concerned" about jail time but because it could interfere with his re-election bid for the White House.
Here's the potential problem for the former President and the Republican primary.
If you'll remember the day President Trump appeared before the Judge in New York City amongst all of the fanfare, the Judge released Trump on his own recognizance. When he did this, he set a date for mid-December for Trump and the District Attorney to reconvene. This will most likely be when the Judge sets a trial date for early to mid-spring next year. Of course, while unlikely (as this Judge is hyper-liberal), the Judge on this date could also throw the case out.
Remember that the Iowa Caucuses are on February 5th, with the New Hampshire primaries a week later, then South Carolina. Trump will most likely win Iowa and New Hampshire and sweep South Carolina in a massive win. And now we go to trial with Trump having a considerable lead in the delegate count for the Republican Party. Currently, Donald Trump holds a 30-point lead over the potential candidacy of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
Let's assume he does not and sets a date for mid-March. Trump's team, of course, will try to get it pushed back, but for the sake of argument, this insipidly stupid trial goes forward. If the Trump legal eagles cannot get a change of venue, Trump (according to all the experts) will likely lose in the Manhattan Court System.
If Trump does lose in the corrupt liberal Manhattan Kangaroo Court System, this sets Donald Trump up for being convicted of multiple felonies. Now he becomes ineligible to serve as President again. Because this case is so very weak and 99% garbage, he (again, according to all the experts) will win his appeal in a higher court.
Here is the problem with that.
The trial or hearings for the appeal would likely be a year or more down the road after the Manhattan trial. This throws his candidacy into a tailspin.
The American people are fully aware that this case against Trump in Manhattan is a hatchet job to keep the former President off the ballot and cancel his re-election chances. We have all seen the letter that Stormy Daniels wrote. It has been shown a thousand times on television. We have all seen Michael Cohen get handcuffed, found guilty of perjury, and go to prison. America knows this case will fail for Alvin Bragg and George Soros.
Between now and mid-December, this Judge will face a firestorm of public scrutiny. America is angry, very, very angry about this indictment. As a result of their anger, Trump has set records in recent weeks in the fund-raising department. In the first 24 hours after the indictment, his campaign banked over $4-million, and this year has raised over $34-million so far.
Here is the issue for President Joe Biden;
Biden's numbers are tanking. So much so that the Democrats are trapped. How do you not support an incumbent President? The Democrats have an incumbent with abysmal approval ratings, and they know full well that the American people are now beginning to believe that they did cheat for his win in 2020. To prove that point, consider this.
In the 2020 election, we know that Donald Trump garnered some 74,000,000 votes nationwide. We are told that Joe Biden had some 81,000,000 votes. This would account for 155,000,000 votes. According to the United States Census Bureau, we had 168 million registered voters on election day 2020.
Assuming those numbers are accurate, that means America had a record turnout of over 92% of registered voters turned up at the polls and voted. Considering that records were set with Obama's wins at some 61% and Ronald Reagan's wins (close to the same), does anyone with an IQ above room temperature believe that 92% of the American registered voters voted in 2020?
It has become very apparent that the Democrat Party has a "Win at All Costs" attitude toward our Democracy in this nation. They know they will not be able to get away with the same illegal tactics they used in 2020 in the upcoming election. The Democrats know full well that every voting precinct in this nation and ballot drop boxes will be covered with Republican poll watchers.
With the economy teetering on recession, a World War breaking out in Europe, the Chinese threatening America at every turn (including Taiwan), a Southern Border in chaos, rampant inflation, the gutting of America's energy independence, and a President who cannot speak coherently, they (the Democrats) know Biden will be slaughtered at the polls in 2024.
The Democrats also know that with Donald Trump's popularity (because of his economy, national security, etc.), they know that Trump will clean Biden's clock in another election.
So why have the Democrats, media, and Republican Party establishment turned on Trump from day one? Why does it seem like the whole of Washington, D. C. including the media, fought so hard to banish Trump from politics?
Simply look at the state of our nation today. Likely the most frightening aspect of our current condition is our near-total weaponized legal system. Never in American history have we had such a corrupt Justice Department, Attorney General, and FBI. We have a President who has all but been purchased by Ukraine and the Chinese Communist Party. Estimates are that China has deposited over $31-million into the Biden coffers since Joe Biden was Vice-President.
And they know that Donald Trump will clean house and order investigations into the Biden regime.
The question now becomes, can the Democrats stop Donald Trump and his soaring campaign? He leads in every measurable poll by wide margins over both GOP and Democrat opponents. He is angry, and he has a trainload of cash.
The Biden crime syndicate is now under investigation by Congress, and the evidence is beginning to pile up as to just how corrupt this family is.
The irony is palpable.
By Ken Crow
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