Thank goodness, she is back! Sarah Palin, the driving force behind the Tea Party movement, has been away from the political limelight for too long. It was welcome news to learn that she entered the crowded race to replace Alaska Republican Congressman Don Young, who recently passed away after a 49-year congressional career.
While Palin is a resident of Alaska, she is known nationwide. After being elected Governor of Alaska, she burst onto the national political scene in 2008 when the late U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) selected her as his running mate.
Palin added excitement and energy to a terrible campaign. She also made history as the first woman selected as a Vice-Presidential nominee on a Republican ticket.
She gave an outstanding acceptance speech at the GOP convention and did very well in her Vice-Presidential debate against then U.S. Senator Joe Biden (D-DE). Undoubtedly, she served the Republican Party and her running mate with distinction.
Unfortunately, she was mistreated by the McCain staff and the left-wing media did nothing but trash her and her family. The media turned her family life into fodder for the tabloid magazines.
Despite the sleazy media coverage, Palin was able to survive the 2008 campaign to become the leading force behind the Tea Party movement. These grassroots activists were the main reason the Republican Party won control of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010.
Sadly, the GOP never delivered on their conservative promises and the establishment wing of the Republican Party reasserted control. Foolishly, the GOP nominated moderate insider Mitt Romney as the presidential nominee in 2012.
He was destined to lose because he refused to take the fight to President Barack Obama. In the 2012 campaign, Romney showed more interest in attacking his conservative opponents in the Republican Party than in highlighting the failed left-wing policies of the Obama administration.
After that election, Palin’s political star faded, but the conservative causes she championed were later successfully espoused by outsider presidential candidate Donald Trump in the 2016 campaign. These issues, along with Palin’s strong endorsement, undoubtedly helped Trump secure the GOP presidential nomination in 2016 and, ultimately, the White House, in a shocking upset over the Democratic Party’s nominee Hillary Clinton.
Trump’s focus on “America First” and “Make America Great Again” featured many of the ideas that Palin and the Tea Party activists endorsed several years earlier. In many respects, Palin and the Tea Party laid the political groundwork for the Trump campaign.
Like Sarah Palin, President Donald Trump has been the victim of vicious and abusive treatment by the media and the political establishment. Fortunately, he stood firm in his presidency and accomplished an incredible record of success for the American people.
He easily captured the GOP presidential nomination in 2020 and received over seventy-four million votes in the election, a significant increase from his total in 2016. Trump registered this historic number of votes, despite mistreatment from both social media and the mainstream news media.
Palin knows plenty about being the victim of media corruption. She sued the New York Times for incorrectly linking her political action committee to the 2011 shooting of then Congresswoman Gabby Giffords (D-AZ).
While the newspaper later corrected their editorial, they did not apologize for the mistake, which spurred Palin to file the lawsuit.
In February, a jury found that the New York Times did not libel Palin and that she failed to show evidence that her reputation had been damaged. Several weeks later, Palin announced that she will appeal the verdict.
As she is fighting the left-wing bias of the New York Times, Palin will be contending for an open congressional seat in Alaska against fifty opponents. This field of candidates includes a plethora of Alaskan politicians, including one with the name Santa Claus.
The election will be held on June 26 to winnow the field to the top four candidates. The winner will be elected on August 16 via ranked choice voting.
According to Fox News, prior to her decision to enter the congressional race, Palin spoke with President Trump, who encouraged her to run. Hopefully, Trump will officially endorse Palin and campaign for her. If he chooses to remain neutral, Palin will still be a major factor in the race due to her universal name recognition and her ability to raise money nationwide.
While some political leaders in Alaska will oppose her due to her resignation as Governor in 2009, the grassroots voters in the state should give her thoughtful consideration because she has earned it.
No other candidate in that race or any race has sacrificed more for their political principles than Sarah Palin.
Despite being mocked, abused, and targeted, Palin has remained steadfast to her conservative beliefs. If elected, Palin would be a strong fighter for not only Alaska, but also for her principles.
If Palin becomes a new member of Congress, she would be a perfect fit for the House Freedom Caucus and would surely become one of the most powerful advocates for the “Make America Great Again” agenda espoused by President Trump.
Fortunately, Sarah Palin is not a Republican in Name Only (RINO), she is not a neocon warmonger, and she is not an establishment Republican. All of this should be welcome news to the voters of Alaska, who have had to suffer while RINO U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski has represented their state.
Congress desperately needs more “America First” advocates. In Congresswoman Sarah Palin, this movement would have an experienced communicator who knows how to challenge the media and the Republican Party establishment.
There are too many dinosaurs on Capitol Hill who are not interested in change and couldn't care less about the needs or desires of their constituents. Sarah Palin would represent a refreshing change from the usual suspects who get elected to Congress.
Sarah Palin has paid a tremendous price for her beliefs, hopefully, her reward will be a much-deserved seat in the United States House of Representatives.
By Jeff Crouere
Jeff Crouere is a native New Orleanian and his award winning program, “Ringside Politics,” airs nationally on Real America's Voice Network, AmericasVoice.News weekdays at 7 a.m. CT and from 7-11 a.m. weekdays on WGSO 990-AM & Wgso.com. He is a political columnist, the author of America's Last Chance and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on Crouere.net. For more information, email him at jeff@ringsidepolitics.com